Sunday, March 13, 2011

How to Choose Best Keywords for Your Blog

Posted by techno on 2:05 PM 0 Comment

When you create a blog, you need to choose a really good keyword to base your blog post or article on. This will help you get a higher ranking in the search engines, and help more people to find you.
Difficulty: Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need:

  • Computer
  • Internet Connection
  • About an Hour
  • A few Niche Ideas

  1. Go to your web browser, and go to the Google Adwords Keyword Tool -

  2. Enter your keyword phrase - this should be a phrase that's two to three words long. For example, if you wanted to write an article on cookie baking, you would type in cookie baking. You don't want to be too broad, such as cookies, so you need at least two words to narrow down your niche.
  3. 3
    Enter the captcha code, and now you'll see how many searches there are each month for "cookie baking". As of this writing, there are 14,800 searches a month for "cookie baking".

  4. Make sure that you have at least 20 or so related keywords that you could write about; in this case you're definitely ok. If you scroll down, you'll see tons of additional keywords to consider, another very good thing.

  5. Now we have to see how much competition there is for sites on "cookie baking". Simply go to google, and type in "cookie baking" in quotes. You want to make sure that you won't have way too much competition for your niche; I always try to keep mine under about 200,000 or so competing sites. "Cookie Baking" has under 200,000 results, so that would be a good niche!

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