Friday, December 31, 2010

Norton 2011 Trial Reset v3.1.3

Posted by techno on 1:23 PM 1 Comment

Norton 2011 Trial Reset v3.1.3 (NTR2011-v3.1.3) extends the trial period of Norton
2011 (NAV + NIS) to 120 trial days, so there’s more time to evaluate the product.
To extend the trial days, just uninstall the NTR before the subscription expires
and install the NTR again for another 120 days of subscription.
Norton 2011 Trial Reset v3.1.3 is for:
- Norton AntiVirus 2011 v18.1.0.37
- Norton Internet Security 2011 v18.1.0.37
* Norton 2011 Trial Reset v3.1.3 is not for Norton 360.
* NTR2011-v3.1.3 was tested on WinXP (x86) and Win7 (x86/x64).
* NTR2011-v3.1.3 may not work with future patches/updates.
* File size NTR2011-v3.1.3.exe: 2,15 MB (2.259.274 bytes)
* Release date NTR2011-v3.1.3.exe: November, 2011
* Norton 2011 ‘Direct Download’ links included.
* Extract the RAR file with e.g.
Installation notes:
>> Before using a new NTR always uninstall any used previous NTR first 
   by using the [Uninstall] option of the used NTR.
1. If Norton is installed and [expired], then [Uninstall] Norton.
   (If Norton is installed but has not expired, then skip to Step 4.)
2. Restart your computer and run NTR2011-v3.1.3 to purge Norton.
3. Install Norton 2011 (NAV or NIS).
4. Turn off the [Norton Product Tamper Protection] in the ‘Miscellaneous Settings’.
5. Install NTR2011-v3.1.3 while you are online, and follow the instructions.
   (Don’t run NTR2011-v3.1.3 when Norton is updating or scanning the computer.)
6. After installation, create a fake Norton Account just to get rid of the nag.
7. Update Norton, configure Norton’s settings, and restart the computer.
>> Done, don’t forget to do a full system scan!

download:(via megaupload)

Transfer Data Using Sound Waves

Posted by techno on 7:49 AM 2 Comment

Yamaha recently announced it is developing and testing how to use sound waves as a means to send data between devices. Devices that emit sounds such as TV and radio will be able to send information through high-frequency sound signals on certain devices like the iPhone.

This can be done using the sound signal with high frequency 18KHz, which can be produced by a variety of audio devices currently available.

Technology companies have been tested by Yamaha in Japan using the iPhone is equipped with special applications, allowing mobile phones to take an audio broadcast is then translated into a URL for browsing the web.

In the early stages, the speed of data on this technology is still very limited ie 80bps. However, high speed for Infosound not everything, because the technology is designed for audio devices can send data in the form of additional information for the user.

Infosound can be sent through a signal frequency that is inserted into the broadcast voice broadcasting which is then translated by the smartphone, so users get a detailed explanation about the music they are listening as well as about the movie they saw. This technology can also be used to send the ad impressions.

According to Yamaha, this technology is not affected by noise, so users do not need to adjust the position of their speakers. Meanwhile, the effective distance of about 10 meters for the technology could function properly. Unfortunately there is no definite information, when this technology will approach every family room.